The Hat Man is a terrifying legend that has grown in infamy since the Shadow People phenomenon became a part of the pop-culture paranormal consciousness around the turn of the century. However, tales surrounding it go back generations. There have been accounts of encounters with this mysterious entity from all over the world and throughout human history. Lots of speculation is attributed to the Hat Man, as the entity is analogous to many beings from folklore. Could it be the ghost of a powerful occultist who died in the 1800s, a fairy king named Donn, or an interdimensional humanoid from a different universe? According to some, the Hat Man is a demon.

This entity is overflowing with malevolence
Many believe the Hat Man is a being from another plane of existence that feeds off negative energy. The entity especially enjoys the feeling of fear which can permeate humans. It’s attracted to hostile environments, like places saturated with conflict, violence, or sadness. Dysfunctional families or places of abuse attract the entity, and some who claim to have encountered it say it’s been with them since childhood. There have been different descriptions of the Hat Man, but they all share similarities. It usually appears as a silhouette of a man that is shadow and darker than night, like a void absent of light. It seems to be wearing a trench coat and always wears a hat that is usually described as a fedora or a wide-brimmed hat. The Hat Man is said to have glowing red eyes in many encounters. But it also can appear in a more humanoid form, sporting a black beard and wearing a black suit, with a long overcoat or cloak, and of course, all attire being the darkest black. Yet no matter how it manifests, it is always wearing some sort of hat.

Hopelessness fills the Hat Man’s victims
When it’s around, there is a tangible feeling of hopelessness and oppressive energy that fills the area’s atmosphere. While Shadow People usually vanish after being looked at, the Hat Man does no such thing. In fact, there are encounters where the entity has an entourage of Shadow People surrounding him as if they are his minions. Also, the Hat Man seems more of a physical threat, who can touch, attack, or even choke his chosen victim. Some say he can manipulate people’s minds, causing them mental torment, which can even lead to insanity. Encounters often occur when the victim is in an altered state of consciousness, like falling asleep and waking up. Often there are terrifying visitations during sleep paralysis, where the person is aware of everything around them but cannot move a muscle despite the horror.

It’s strange the entity is referenced in the UFO Phenomenon
The entity either is attracted to or causes misfortune, violence, mental health issues, and even death. Whether the Hat Man is, the source of bad luck or an ill omen of things to come isn’t known. However, what IS known is the malevolent nature the entity exhibits to all who encounter it. Some even claim soul-stealing is its demonic intention if the victim’s sanity can be shattered enough. And the odd thing about documented encounters with the entity is that many different situations have inspired a visitation, including things you would never think of linking to it, such as alien abductions. Abductees have claimed to see the Hat Man in E.T. encounters. Others have even said the entity has visited them after messing with a Ouija board. But it doesn’t require the paranormal to attract the Hat Man. It also visits people in a state of chaos with their lives, such as those losing jobs, friends, loved ones, or lovers. And even stranger still, the Hat Man can attach itself to bloodlines. Some families report the entity visiting their kin for generations, similar to the Irish banshees. It inflicts paranoia, anxiety, and always emanates malevolence. But like most legends, the Hat Man remains enigmatic and a source of much debate. And thanks to the internet, it doesn’t look like tales about him will die out anytime soon.

Hope you don’t run into the Hat Man and his shadow people friends in a creepy hallway…