Throughout history, individuals have made extraordinary claims about their origins, asserting that they hailed from other planets or celestial bodies. One particularly intriguing phenomenon is the notion of people who claimed to be from Venus, Earth’s neighboring planet. In this article, we delve into the stories of historical figures who professed to be Venusians, examining their beliefs, motivations, and the broader cultural context surrounding their claims.
George Adamski and the Venusian Connection:
One prominent figure in the realm of Venusian claims is George Adamski, an early UFO contactee and author. In the 1950s, Adamski claimed to have made contact with extraterrestrial beings from Venus during a series of encounters. According to Adamski, the Venusians were highly advanced and benevolent beings who sought to guide humanity toward a path of peace and spiritual enlightenment. His accounts, documented in books and lectures, captivated the public’s imagination and sparked both fascination and skepticism.
Orfeo Angelucci and Cosmic Messages:
Another individual who claimed to be in contact with Venusians was Orfeo Angelucci, an American UFO contactee and author. In the 1950s and 1960s, Angelucci claimed to have met and communicated with beings from Venus who imparted cosmic wisdom and messages of universal love. He described the Venusians as humanoid in appearance and emphasized their advanced spiritual knowledge and peaceful intentions.
Theosophical Influence and Venusian Beings:
The claims of being from Venus can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, partly influenced by Theosophical teachings. Theosophy, a spiritual and philosophical movement, posited the existence of highly evolved beings from Venus known as “Venusians” or “Venus Adepts.” Theosophists believed these beings possessed advanced wisdom and significantly influenced humanity’s spiritual evolution.
Satan and Jesus are both referred to as the Morning Star, which is Venus:
In Isaiah 14:12, we get the first instance of an individual being referenced as the Morning Star. “How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!” (NIV). And this passage referring to the Morning Star is often interpreted as Satan and his fall from heaven documented in Luke 10:18.
Then in contradiction, Jesus unmistakably calls himself the Morning Star in Revelation 22:16 in a way that can’t be interpreted to mean anything else, no matter how much mental gymnastics a translator may attempt.
The Aetherius Society specifically believes that Jesus is an alien being that came from Venus. However, this is not Venus as we know it, but the version of the planet that exists in a higher dimension or a higher plane. And the extraterrestrial origins of Jesus are also applied to other great spiritual leaders from history that have incarnated on Earth to help humanity’s progress.
From this point of view, Lucifer or Satan is also of extraterrestrial origin. Their origin from Venus is different than Jesus’, though, because of the “fall.” So Lucifer/Satan could no longer be looked at as a Venusian.
Nikola Tesla:
According to alleged declassified FBI documents, the most important inventor who ever lived originated from the planet Venus. This idea comes from a letter that mentions Tesla being brought to Earth when he was an infant from the planet. The letter also states that Tesla invented an interplanetary device that could be used for interplanetary communication with Venus, and is still around today, just obfuscated and top secret to the public.
The documents say in 1856, Tesla was left in the care of Mr. and Mrs. Tesla, who lived in the Republic of Yugoslavia, Croatia, and were told to take special care in raising the boy because one day he’d change the very trajectory of the human race for the better.

How could someone possibly live on Venus? It’s a fireball of death! According to the lore, it’s either in another dimension or the civilization is in underground cities.
This declassified document is freely available on the FBI’s website, but whether it is a psyop or not remains unknown.
In the book “The Return of the Dove,” Margaret Storm displays an entire narrative surrounding Nikola Tesla coming from a version of Venus located in another dimension. Many consider this book a work of fiction. However, the fact that this book is referenced in the declassified FBI documents does raise some eyebrows.
“Margaret Storm has been assigned to certain work with the Space People, as follows: She is writing a book – Return of the Dove – a story of the life of Nikola Tesla, scientist, and the part his inventions will play in the New Age. Much of the data for this book has been supplied to Mrs. Storm through transcripts received on the Tesla set, a radio-type machine invented by Tesla in 1938 for Interplanetary Communication. Tesla died in 1943 and his engineers did not build the Tesla set until after his death. It was placed in operation in 1950 and since that time the Tesla engineers have been in close touch with space ships. The Space People have visited the Tesla engineers many times, and have told us that Tesla was a Venusian, brought to this planet as a baby, in 1856, and left with Mr. and Mrs. Tesla in a remote mountain province in what is now Yogoslavia.”
The Wall of Light: Nikola Tesla and the Venusian Space Ship – The X-12
by Arthur H. Mathews. The book claims that Tesla always thought he was from the planet Venus and even told Arthur as much. Arthur did indeed have a close relationship with Tesla. And the book includes close encounters with extraterrestrials.
The book even describes the Venusian starship and the aliens themselves. It looked like two massive saucers put together rim to rim with a grayish color that seemed metallic. A ring floated near the ship, large enough to encapsulate it that was held in place in the sky by unknown means. A massive tubular shaft penetrated the center of the ship from top to bottom, and the bottom of this shaft rested on the ground, to which a doorway was open.
The Venusians are described as diverse in size to an obviously noticeable degree, ranging from around 5’6″ to 16 ft tall. They universally had piercing bright blue eyes and tanned skin. Their hair was luxurious and unique to each individual, ranging from a golden blonde color to a reddish brown. So, Tesla had been altered genetically to fit in with the rest of humanity.
Valiant Thor:
Valiant Thor, a name that sparks curiosity and fascination, is a figure steeped in mystery and speculation. According to numerous accounts, Valiant Thor was an extraterrestrial visitor from the planet Venus who allegedly arrived on Earth in the early 1950s. His enigmatic presence, remarkable claims, and supposed interactions with government officials have captivated the imaginations of UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists alike. In this article, we will delve into the story of Valiant Thor, examining the origins, alleged encounters, and enduring legacy of this peculiar extraterrestrial visitor.
According to the accounts, Valiant Thor hailed from the planet Venus, known for its extreme temperatures and thick atmosphere. His mission, as claimed, was to observe and assess the development of Earth’s civilization and offer his insights to humanity. It is said that Valiant Thor, along with two companions, landed their spacecraft in Alexandria, Virginia, in 1957.
Valiant Thor’s alleged encounters primarily involved meetings with high-ranking government officials. It is believed that he spent a significant amount of time at the Pentagon, where he reportedly met with President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Vice President Richard Nixon. These encounters were said to have been conducted under the utmost secrecy and were supposedly focused on matters of global security and the potential benefits of advanced extraterrestrial technology.
During his alleged interactions, Valiant Thor purportedly shared profound insights on the dangers of nuclear warfare, the importance of peace and unity among nations, and the need for humanity to advance spiritually and technologically. He is also said to have demonstrated advanced healing techniques and showcased technology far beyond Earth’s capabilities at the time.
The enduring fascination with Valiant Thor can be attributed to the allure of the unknown and the possibility that we are not alone in the universe. His story has inspired numerous books, documentaries, and conspiracy theories, with some even linking him to other purported extraterrestrial beings and secret government programs.
The Arecibo Message:
The Arecibo Message, transmitted in 1974 from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, was a groundbreaking attempt to communicate with potential extraterrestrial civilizations. The message was composed by a team led by astronomer Dr. Frank Drake and contained encoded information about humanity and Earth.
The message was designed as a binary transmission, composed of 1,679 digits (73 rows by 23 columns), representing a pictorial and numerical representation of fundamental facts about humanity and our planet. It included details about the atomic numbers of elements, the structure of DNA, human figures, Earth’s population, and more.
The primary purpose of the Arecibo Message was to showcase humanity’s technological capabilities and to provide an opportunity for any advanced civilizations capable of intercepting and decoding the message to learn about us. However, due to the vast distances involved and the transmission power limitations, it is highly unlikely that a response will be received in the foreseeable future.
An alleged response to the Abrecibo message in the Uk nack 2001 took the form of a crop circle. This response has supposedly been “debunked” by the CIA, which means the CIA doesn’t want you to know about it, so shut up and stay in your box, peasant. lol.
Joking aside, the location the crop circle was found is near a scientific research center that had a plethora of cameras and security guards vigilantly keeping the facility’s security fortified, but nobody saw or heard anything, and there is no footage of how the crop circle was formed.
The “response” from extraterrestrials corrected a mistake in the original human genetic code sent in the message back in 1974. It also showed the aliens’ DNA and an image resembling traditional gray aliens from UFO lore.
In the response, the E.T.s say they already inhabit the Earth’s Solar System, but this could be a mistake, and they say they inhabit another star system. The translation we’re working with says the aliens state they are from Venus (or they live on Venus). It also states they have other settlements on the four Galilean Moons of Jupiter on Mars, as well as already being beneath the seas on Earth and even having a station on our Moon.
Since the response to the Arecibo Message is so scrubbed from the internet and censored, it adds legitimacy to its authenticity. Ufologists also state that this is precisely how an E.T. would respond because it would circumvent Government censorship and suppression if it were sent in radio form. Since it was sent in code through a crop circle, the story got out before it could be crushed, and even though it only exists as a conspiracy theory, it’s still accessible by normal humans.
The stories of historical figures who claimed to be from Venus offer a fascinating glimpse into the realm of extraordinary beliefs and the human fascination with the cosmos. Whether driven by spiritual beliefs, psychological factors, or a genuine conviction in their experiences, these individuals have left an indelible mark on the history of UFO encounters and extraterrestrial claims. As we explore these accounts, it is crucial to approach them with a critical lens, acknowledging the potential influence of psychological and cultural factors while recognizing the enduring allure of the unknown and our ongoing quest to understand our place in the universe.