The Myrtle’s Plantation in Louisiana is supposedly one of the most haunted houses in America. Then again, every single haunted location ever says that. Built in 1796, the plantation has a dark history of suffering behind it. But all isn’t what it seems concerning the plantation. Because the kill count doesn’t add up. According to legend, ten people have died there. Though in truth according to official records, only a single person has died at the mansion. A man named William Winter was shot and died on the porch of the home. The apparition crawls up the stairs. Usually crying out in pain.
But just because only a single murder has taken play at the Myrtle’s Plantation doesn’t mean there aren’t ghosts there. Spirits have a way of latching onto things and many travel regularly (at least that’s what books I’ve read on the subject say). If people focus on certain energies, it’s like a magnet to entities. High strangeness at the plantation is probably happening so often simply because so many people believe the place is haunted.
There are many examples of paranormal activity there. Objects move on their own in plain sight. Shadow people walk the halls. Ghostly figures dressed in attire out of place in time. Otherworldly voices captured on EVP (electronic voice phenomenon), and pretty much all things you would think occur in a haunted house.

Shadow people are never a good thing…
The most haunted thing in the house though is a mirror. The Myrtle’s Plantation Mirror is famous worldwide for the paranormal activity that surrounds it. The origin story of the mirror isn’t true. The legend is just to attract tourists. But, the supernatural accounts concerning the mirror are very true. The legend revolves around the Myrtle family slave Chloe. Differing versions of the story contradict one another. Giving more evidence to the falsehood of the story. But basically, all outcomes are the same. Either Mr. Myrtle tried to force the slave Chloe to become a mistress and she refused, or she overheard sensitive information regarding Mr. Myrtle’s business through eavesdropping. Either way, Chloe was punished by having her ear cut off. From that point on Chloe wore a green turban to hide the mutilation.
Later Chloe poisoned a cake. Contradicting versions of the legend say she did it in an attempt to get back in the good graces of her master by “saving” the poisoned Mr. Myrtle, or she poisoned the cake seeking good old-fashioned vengeance. Well, Mr. Myrtle didn’t eat the cake. His wife and children did, then shortly after died from the poison. The slave was then punished by being hung or drowned.
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A tradition concerning mirrors in the old days was to cover them up when someone died. Otherwise, their spirit would become trapped in the mirror for eternity in the reversed realm. An odd superstition, but not to our ancestors. When Mr. Myrtle’s family and the slave Chloe perished, they’d failed to cover up the aforementioned Myrtle’s Plantation Mirror. Hence the notorious legend of the haunted object came into fruition.

The haunted mirror
The odd thing is even though the whole story is false, there’s a ghost often seen at the plantation that perfectly resembles the slave Chloe from the legend. Complete with the green turban and everything. However, this actually isn’t very uncommon concerning paranormal activity. Just like in seances and ouija boards, there’s always an entity willing to pretend to be what people want to see.
There’s also apparitions of Mr. Myrtle’s wife and children within the mirror or in the surrounding area. Children’s handprints are often on the surface as if coming from the other side of the mirror. Even if washed and cleaned, the handprints always come back. If you look into the mirror long enough, ghostly apparitions will stare back at you. When visitors take pictures of the haunted object many images show the distorted forms of otherworldly manifestations. Such as orbs and the like. Some pictures even seem like the image was captured through the opposite side of the mirror.
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Drip marks run down the mirror no one can wipe away. Only to vanish later. And figures in old-timey clothing are seen standing behind onlookers but vanish when someone turns around to look at them. Anyone familiar with the Bloody Mary legend from childhood has grown up with a slight suspicion towards mirrors, and though the story behind the mirror is fiction, the paranormal activity surrounding it is very real.

The mansion