Vehuiah (pronounced: VEH-WHO-EE-AH), The Angel of Will, is the first angel of the 72 names from the Shemhamphorash and a guardian angel with a particular influence over those born during the time Veuliah has prominence. This angel greatly assists with new beginnings and challenging undertakings.
Vehuiah is also the 1st Kabbalah Angel, whose name means “The Voice of God” or “The Exalting God.”
This angel can help unlock one’s true potential and grant incredible willpower.
Powers of Vehuiah

Vehuiah descends to fill humanity with willpower
Carrying out difficult tasks:
When overwhelmed, worried, or fatigued about completing something, this angel can assist in overcoming these types of difficulties. Even if the task seems beyond one’s abilities, this angel can help guide it to completion.
Strengthening the will:
In situations where one is finding themselves slipping from conscious intent, this angel can empower the will to see individuals through to the other side, such as breaking a bad habit or overcoming an addiction. But even just typical tasks that need completing, Vehuiah can cultivate willpower to see your objectives complete.
Binding demons:
This angel is potent at binding demons under its charge. It is also useful in conjuring the ruler of demons under its charge as well to keep the conjurer safe and ensure the demon obeys them. Whether it is bad luck or straight-up possession, this angel is a powerful weapon against certain demonic entities (not all).
- Demon: Bael, a King of Hell, also known as Baal. Bael rules 66 Legions of spirits. Vehuiah can be used to bind and command Bael and any demons or entities under his command.
Gaining esteem:
This angel specializes in building one’s personal self-esteem rather than gaining esteem from outside sources. However, having true high self-esteem naturally increases one’s charisma, increasing the esteem others see in you.

A more accurate depiction of Vehuiah
Soul Guardian born 12 am-12:20 am.
Moral Guardian born on 20 March, 31 May, 11 August, 22 October, and 2 January.
Physical Guardian born 20-24 March.
This angel helps those it guards in many ways but mostly gives them the willpower to start and finish tasks. Those born under Vehuiah are granted focus and concentration on projects and see them through opposition and setbacks. They have a skillful nature and are endowed with wisdom.
Those born under Vehuiah have a natural inquisitiveness about them, allowing them to have an open mind in starting new projects in various unfamiliar categories (or familiar).
This angel helps people see the more positive side of life, even through struggle and hard work. They are usually optimistic, friendly, and loving towards one’s family.
This angel is quick to aid those it guards in teaching how to live a life of success and attain a positive mind.

All the 72 angels resonate with a card from the Tarot
Card #1: The Fool
Element: Air
Tarot Planet: Uranus
Numerology: Zero
Yes/no divination: Yes
Representation: Unlimited possibilities
Keywords: New beginnings, possibilities, innocence, spontaneous, optimism, trust in life, blind faith, adventure, opportunity, pleasure
Reversed: Holding back, indecision, hesitation, recklessness, fearlessness, bad choices, risk-taking
This angel’s invocation: Psalm 3:3-3:4
Angelic Choir: SERAPHS (Christian), CHAJOTH HA QADESH (Hebrew)
Ruler Archangel: METATRON
Duty: Vehuiah is the Recording Angel and also the Chancellor of Heaven. He is a Light Being of incredible status and is the celestial scribe to the divine realms
Planet: NEPTUNE (confusion, deception, illusion, compassion, idealism, sensitivity)
Secondary Planet: URANUS (principles of ingenuity)
Color: GOLD