
Starseed lore is filled with captivating narratives of beings from distant star systems believed to impact Earth’s spiritual evolution. Among these stories, the Lyran Felines is a fascinating and enigmatic presence. The Lyran Felines are considered a unique lineage of Starseeds originating from the Lyra constellation, and their narrative weaves a tapestry of exploration, wisdom, and interconnectedness that resonates with seekers of spiritual understanding.

There are many versions of galactic history in Starseed lore, so this look into the Feline Lyrans is in no way absolute, and you will find alternative views if you delve deeper into this fascinating tradition found in New Age communities. This fact in no way should devalue any Starseed lore out there with alternative narratives because, in the end, there is no objective reality, and no one knows anything. 

Comprehension can only come through experience subjectively, and who’s to say the “contactees” or “Starseeds” behind this lore are even capable of understanding the ineffable with our puny human brains? It could be their own unique interpretations of the incomprehensible subject to the limitations of our physical brains (not minds) and the laws of 3D reality. 

So, there is no reason to “believe” anything in Starseed lore or to “not believe” anything in Starseed lore. It is a sign of an intelligent mind to be able to contemplate ideas without accepting them or denying them. 

Section 1: Origins and Mythology of Lyra 

The Lyra constellation in the northern celestial hemisphere has been a source of wonder and inspiration for various cultures throughout history. In Starseed lore, Lyra is often associated with a race of feline-like beings believed to have contributed to Earth’s cosmic heritage. The Lyran Felines are depicted as majestic and advanced entities connected deeply to the cosmos.

Lyrans are our original ancestors from the galactic community. All humans in the Universe originated from Lyra. The human form evolved over millions of years on many worlds and also genetically manipulated branches. This has led to humanity transforming over time to be incredibly diverse in bodily form and levels of consciousness. However, all humans came from the Feline Lyrans, AKA Cat People. 

There are many different versions concerning the origin of the Feline Lyrans. We’ll go with my favorite one I’ve come across over my years of research. 

The Feline Lyrans were invited to this Universe when it was new and came from a completed Universe. Some say they were invited as “co-creators” for the new “game,” make of that what you will. Their home planet was named Avyon, and over millions of years, their cat-like form diminished, and they became more humanoid in appearance. They were the first sentient species to ripen in the cosmic soup beside their counterpart, the Avians, specifically, the Avian group called the Carions. Having completed their own Universal cycle, they were set up to assist in the great game of this newly-born Universe. 

Their technology increased to the point they could travel out into the void, and they even developed machinery that could bend space and time, allowing them to travel faster than light. However, despite all their technological prowess, the Feline Lyrans were expert geneticists. They began planting life all over the cosmos in a multitude of forms, as well as removing specific amounts of crusts from planets to activate plate tectonics (bringing the planet to “life”) and using the leftover crust to create moons that would incubate life. 

It was at their height that they turned their genetic expertise to a bipedal mammal that was close in evolutionary progress to themselves and began to splice their own DNA into it, activating higher consciousness and enabling it to become a vessel for universal consciousness to manifest as an avatar in a soul. This experimentation would eventually result in the first “human.” This also led to several sub-groups, branching into many unique human forms. 

The Feline Lyrans and their offspring would have their place to play in the dance between Light and Dark throughout this Universal cycle. 

Section 2: Fall of the Golden Age and the Destruction of Lyra

Eventually, another sentient species would come into contact with the Feline Lyrans and the many worlds of their human offspring. And depending on the version of galactic history from Starseed lore we’re talking about here, the origin of these suckers will differ. Sometimes, they were a genetically modified race manufactured by the Avians, the other species next to the Feline Lyrans that were the first sentience in this Universe. 

The other idea of these dicks is that they actually came over from another Universe whose cycle was ending similarly to the Feline Lyrans, though in a completely different way. In essence, we inherited another universe’s headache. 

Every universe needs the dance between Light and Darkness to have balance, and the Draconians exerted themselves as the Yin to the Feline Lyran’s Yang. These reptoids even began journeying outside their star system before the cat people, so they had a head start on intergalactic civilization. 

When the Draconians encountered the Lyran worlds, they were blown away by the resources and prosperity. The majority of the planets in their empire were less valuable and productive. So when they saw the human realm, they wanted to dominate and control it. Thus, the Reptilian wars began, destroying the human homeworlds and spreading them to the stars. The Feline Lyrans suffered greatly while defending their children, leaving their once powerful domain a shadow of its former glory. 

In the end, the Feline Lyrans, too, had to become refugees and move on to try and find a new homeworld, which they eventually did. They helped establish an alliance later down the line that would become the equal of the Draconian Empire. The cat people embraced their new role as guides to the other races and are revered for their immense wisdom. 

Section 3: Characteristics of the Lyran Felines 

Lyran Felines are often described as beings blending humanoid and feline features, embodying the feline world’s grace, agility, and mystique. However, their appearances greatly vary, so they cannot easily be put in a box. But they are far more human-looking than cat-looking. However, the cats on Earth are their genetic creations from millions of years ago when they were seeding life in the cosmos, so technically, the cats we love as pets are related to the Feline Lyrans. 

Their physical appearance includes feline-like eyes, pointed ears, and a lithe and elegant stature. These characteristics are believed to reflect not only their cosmic lineage but also their unique spiritual attributes. There is also often an aura of wisdom and calm that emanates from them, mirrored in their deep, fathomless eyes. 

Still, these Lyrans may appear entirely different for contactees depending on circumstances. They are unlikely to show their proper form, which can be unnerving, and appear instead in a way that will inspire calm and ease. They will specifically interact with a contactee in this manner through dreams or visions. But if they know the individual can handle their true form, they are happy to appear authentic. 

Section 4: Contributions to Earth’s Evolution 

According to Starseed lore, the Lyran Felines are said to have played a significant role in the evolution of Earth and its inhabitants. In the lore, there is something called “The Earth Experiment,” which was to play out all paradigms and polarities of the macrocosm on a microcosmic scale. The cat-people were one of the factions that assisted in genetically coding Earth humans. 

But they have played a much more significant role than that because, in a way, they’ve always been here assisting humanity. The Draco Wars lasted millions of years without any solid outcome for any faction. This somewhat has created a situation analogous to Earth’s Cold War, just on an intergalactic scale. 

When Earth humans committed some spicy deeds and were knocked down to be trapped in 3D reality with our planet essentially in quarantine, these dudes were there. And they are still looking out for humans today, even sending Starseeds of their soul group to help us (though few in number). 

The Lyran Felines have interacted with humanity throughout history. Accounts of encounters, ancient texts, and channeled messages depict the Lyran Felines as benevolent beings who have shared their knowledge to assist humanity’s spiritual evolution. Some believe that their presence continues to influence select individuals, guiding them towards paths of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Feline Lyrans are often regarded as spiritual guides, offering insights into ancient wisdom, esoteric knowledge, and higher states of consciousness. Their presence is thought to have influenced the development of various civilizations, leaving behind traces of their teachings in myths, symbols, and cultural traditions. They played a prominent role in Egypt, for example. 

 Lyran Felines are often considered guardians of wisdom, fostering unity and cooperation among different species and civilizations. Their deep understanding of energetic and spiritual principles is said to have led to advancements in healing modalities, energy manipulation, and interstellar communication. Their teachings are believed to have instilled a sense of interconnectedness that transcends physical boundaries.


The story of the Lyran Felines in Starseed lore offers a captivating exploration of cosmic origins, spiritual wisdom, and the interconnectedness of all life. While skeptics may raise valid concerns about the lack of empirical evidence, the enduring appeal of the Lyran Feline narrative lies in its ability to inspire seekers of truth, encourage self-discovery, and foster a deeper appreciation for the mysteries of the Universe. Whether viewed as a symbolic representation or a genuine cosmic lineage, the tale of the Lyran Felines enriches the tapestry of Starseed lore and invites us to contemplate our place within the vast cosmos.

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